Revolutionary Cancer Treatment

Effective, Non-toxic and Scientific

Too Low-cost to be offered by cancer hospitals. (It really is true!)


(Rare Exceptions, when GEIPE does not work, shown at the end)

  1. 60-yr old woman in Nigeria (tumor of sinus/palate)


    For details, please See

  2. 93-yr old man in USA (Merkel cell carcinoma near nose)


    For details, please See

  3. 32-yr old man in India (tumor on the cheek/lips)


    For details, please See

  4. 80-yr old woman in India (Merkel cell carcinoma on eyelid)


    For details, please See

  5. A lady in Oregon, USA (Basal Cell Carcinoma on eyelid)


    The tumor area "stopped itching, a good sign... I didn't realize how crappy I was beginning to feel until I used the [GEIPE] unit. Noticed a change for the better in my overall demeanor in a couple of days... Husband said, there was a noticeable difference in the tumors. They looked smaller and were 'ravaged'".
    -- the patient in Oregon, USA (in an email, near the start of the therapy)

    "I started on GEIPE while waiting for and deciding on medical treatment, then continued with GEIPE alone because the tumor had become smaller by half and I was feeling much better..."
    [Later] "I was inspired by another person shrinking a tumor with GEIPE, to try using a needle electrode, to maybe speed things up. I hesitantly decided to try. That first needle insertion was harsh, and it took several treatments to figure out how to support the needle in place as well as protect my eye, but the results were almost instant. The ugly thing was 'melting' so fast, at times I took pictures and reported the changes daily..."
    "In the final three weeks, my insertions were so shallow there was no bleed and my eyelid was looking almost normal... Even my lower lid eyelashes, which I thought were gone forever, are beginning to appear. No dry eye, either. As a bonus, the birthmark that had been plastered across my lower lid has faded to almost nothing..."
    "Throughout the whole process, Jay has been unfailingly supportive and helpful, always alert to anything I might need. I am, and we all are, fortunate to have Jay in our midst, with his hard-won experience and expertise, and dedication."
    -- the patient in Oregon, USA (in an email, at the conclusion of the therapy)

    For more details, please See

  6. A man in Alabama, USA (Melanoma on the leg; scar due to biopsy)


    "You've been great to work with, very accommodating
    - very knowledgeable on the subject
    - no harmful side effects
    - very affordable"
    -- the patient in Alabama (in an email, at the conclusion of the therapy)

    For more details, please See

  7. A man near Los Angeles (Squamous Cell Carcinoma on head)


    "I have been struggling with skin cancer for forty years and have had every treatment available from conventional health care. Most of the treatments amount to torture given the effects of surgery, radiation, topical treatments and liquid nitrogen. I was able to not only stop the growth of a surface tumor but also had it shrink down to practically nothing using the GEIPE system. This only took a week and there have been no side effects. I wish I would have had this device available to me years ago. I recommend it to anyone dealing with skin cancer."
    -- the patient near Los Angeles, CA (in an email, at the conclusion)

    For more details, please See

  8. A lady on the U.S. West Coast (BCC on her nose) -- a Cautionary Tale



    "Working with Jay was a pleasure. He gave me clear instructions and helped when I had any questions or issues come up. I instantly felt cared for in his scientific and gentle approach. I used GEIPE for 3 months, usually 1-3 times a week for a 30 minutes. There were some challenges for me with getting the electrical current to flow properly, but when it flowed I noticed changes and I believe it helped reduce my basal cell and inflammation so that the was smaller (as my before and after ultrasound measurements showed)."
    - the California Lady with BCC on her Nose (in an email)


    OUR VIEWPOINT: She started GEIPE on March 9th and missed a few days. The ultrasound measurements on March 22nd showed about 60% reduction in tumor size from about 10 days of treatment. However, she did not maintain the recommended 4 hours of treatment a day, not even a minimum of 2 hours. As she admits herself above, she did only ½ to 1½ hour of therapy in a week... We are obviously very disappointed that our therapy was not allowed to finish the job. This is a cautionary tale -- a patient needs to show certain minimum commitment to beat cancer with our therapy.

  9. A lady nurse in Arizona, USA (Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the scalp)


    "1 hr treatment went well & so far the itching has subsided. Yeah..."
    - the Arizona nurse (in an email, after the first day of treatment)

    "I see the walls slowly shrinking, thinning, and breaking up. One side seems to be flattening some. The walls used to be hard but now they are softening. The back wall is gone & at skin level... the size of the tumor has decreased as well. Progress!!! Yay... I have also been feeling better & sleeping much better."
    -- the patient (in an email, after a few weeks of treatment)

    "This week has been productive. Yesterday a portion of the tumor just peeled off the side. I was amazed! The needle pad combo is working well... Will continue on. Thank you for your guidance... it has been priceless."
    -- the nurse patient (in an email, after first use of a needle electrode)

    "Although the treatment had continued longer than anticipated to accommodate the challenges of a stubborn tumor, every minute was worth it. GEIPE Therapy has been extremely valuable in the treatment of my cancer."
    -- the patient (in an email, near the conclusion of the therapy)

    For more details, please See

  10. A lady in Sacramento, California (Ear nerves tumor gone, hearing restored)

    N Calif Lady with Nose Ear tumor

    The Sacramento lady wrote in an email: "I have skin cancer in my nose, affecting my hearing. One doctor said that the cancer spread inside the head, pushing the ear nerves and impaired my hearing on both sides. So, I was eager to try GEIPE treatment.
    I started GEIPE treatment. To my surprise, during the very first session, I started to hear much better already! The very next morning, I yawned and my left ear popped: I heard much better.
    It works! Thank you, smart people from GEIPE team!"

    This patient had gone through proton radiation therapy a few months earlier which had shrunk her nose tumor, but made no difference in tumors which had spread to her ear nerves. Because of her hearing issue, the lady could not talk. The morning after her first 2-hour GEIPE treatment, she texted us in WhatsApp about her improved hearing:"

    N Calif Lady - WhatsApp messag1

    Now she could also talk. So GEIPE therapy definitely shrinks tumors -- and does so without harming surrounding healthy tissues.

    After a few more weeks of treatment, she informed us that her hearing has been fully restored. 

    N Calif Lady - WhatsApp messag2


Rare Exceptions when GEIPE does not work

(A) When cancer starts eating away at the skin

fungating tumor or ulcerating cancer

The photos are shown of a patient who had many surgeries for his basal cell carcinoma, followed by reconstructive plastic surgeries. The cancer kept coming back, the last time forming a cavity which kept expanding as you can see. This is an instance of fungating tumor or ulcerating cancer wound. As there is no overgrowth or bulge, GEIPE therapy is ineffective since it cannot target RnR enzyme present in a growing tumor.

(B) When location of tumors prevents passage of current

Cannot place electrodes on ear lobe

Significant progress over the first 3 weeks is shown in the first 2 sets of photos. But shrinking of tumors stalled after about 60%. The photo on the right shows how tumors looked after 6 months.
It was very hard to place an electrode on the outer ear lobe -- often it caused burns -- and placing electrodes on either side did not pass enough current through the lobe since an ear sticks out.

(C) When a patient does not cooperate and gives up too soon

Texas lady did not cooperate

Shown above are photos of a lady who was very uncooperative and stopped treatment even though her cancer had shrunk by about half. She had nothing positive to say about the treatment and was often annoyed when we told her to change the size of electrodes or their placements as contours of the tumor were changing. She repeatedly threatened to send back the GEIPE device and did so in a few months. A patient needs to work with us...


If you have some scientific background, you may want to read:

A Revolutionary Universal Cancer Treatment: Effective and Non-toxic — thanks to Biochemistry
