Revolutionary Cancer Treatment

Effective, Non-toxic and Scientific

Too Low-cost to be offered by cancer hospitals. (It really is true!)

Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Latest / Best Treatment

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer accounting for about 20% of cases. There are different types of squamous cell carcinoma including cystic squamous cell carcinoma and papillary squamous cell carcinoma.

It occurs in both fair-skinned and dark-skinned individuals and originates in flat cells in the outer part of the skin, most often occurring on sun-exposed areas such as the head, neck, arms, and legs. (Though it is possible to appear on areas not as exposed to the sun including the palms, feet soles, mucous membranes, and genitalia.)

If a doctor misses an early detection, this cancer spreads to other parts of the body aggressively, such as the lymph nodes and may affect one's internal organs (lungs, liver, bones, or brain).

What Are the Symptoms of SCC?

The symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma can vary depending on the location and size of the tumor. Some common symptoms include:

● A scaly or crusty patch on your skin

● A lump or thickening on the skin

● A crusting sore that doesn't heal

● A change in the appearance of existing moles or freckles

What are the Risk Factors for SCC?

You're at high risk of squamous cell carcinoma if you:

● have a pale complexion, blue or green eyes, blonde or red hair

are 65 years of age or older

● have a weak immune system

● received an organ transplant

In general, male are twice as likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma.

Although most cases of SCC occur in people over 50, their incidence has been rising among younger adults as well.

People often ask:

- What is the most common treatment for squamous cell carcinoma? (It is surgical excision.)

- What is the alternative to Mohs surgery for squamous cell carcinoma? (Topical chemotherapy or radiation are traditional responses but see the next section for a far superior option.)

- What is the best treatment for squamous cell carcinoma? (It is the latest advance, described below.)

A Revolutionary Treatment for Squamous Cell Carcinoma

For those who are battling squamous cell carcinoma, treatment options are limited. Radiation or Mohs surgery can lead to permanent damage, and chemo creams rarely work. Thankfully there is a new treatment for SCC cancer that is safe, affordable, and effective: GEIPE or 'Gentle Electrotherapy to Inhibit a Pivotal Enzyme'.

GEIPE is a non-toxic, non-surgical and scientific therapy. The GEIPE device is portable and can be used at home with a little supervision. It uses gentle electric current to block the RnR enzyme that is critical for cancer growth. This revolutionary method to treat Squamous Cell Carcinoma is effective without any side-effects, which makes it an attractive non-surgical alternative to the conventional therapies.

This Squamous Cell Carcinoma treatment is too low-cost to be offered by cancer hospitals. Please visit Home Page of the website to get more information and/or Contact Us today to receive this ground-breaking treatment.

Background and Unique Features of GEIPE treatment

The new GEIPE Cancer Treatment provides relief and effective results without the harmful side effects of traditional cancer treatments. Here are some of the key features and benefits of choosing GEIPE Cancer Treatment:

Backed by Scientific Research: Our squamous cell carcinoma treatment is based on research in the biochemisty of cancer and the current protocol has been shown to be effective in treating near-surface skin cancers, with many patients experiencing relief and improved outcomes. We're constantly researching and refining our treatment approach to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible. Read research articles.

Validated by top cancer institutions: This approach to treat cancer has been acknowledged as valid by National Cancer Institute, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, City of Hope medical center (near Los Angeles) and other cancer centers. Please see correspondence with them on this page. The only reason they themselves do not offer this treatment is that this therapy is not a money-maker.

Low-cost alternative: Our squamous cell carcinoma treatment is affordable and accessible to everyone, regardless of income or insurance status. We're proud to offer a low-cost alternative that is effective and non-toxic.

Personalized treatment plans:

All cancer are alike at the biochemical level and thus GEIPE treatment is applicable to all of them. However, each skin cancer occurrence is unique in its location, size and shape, and thus we have to make customized electrodes for each patient. We work closely with you to ensure your treatment plan is tailored to your circumstances. To avail this ground-breaking non-surgical Squamous Cell Carcinoma treatment, please click on the link below

Don't just take our word for it. Here are some stories from patients who are experiencing successful outcomes with GEIPE Cancer Treatment:

"I have been struggling with skin cancer for forty years and have had every treatment available from conventional health care. Most of the treatments amount to torture given the effects of surgery, radiation, topical treatments and liquid nitrogen. I was able to not only stop the growth of a surface tumor but also had it shrink down to practically nothing using the GEIPE system. This only took a week and there have been no side effects. I wish I would have had this device available to me years ago. I recommend it to anyone dealing with skin cancer." -- a patient near Los Angeles, USA

After a few weeks of treatment of a protruding tumor, "I see the walls slowly shrinking, thinning, and breaking up. One side seems to be flattening some. The walls used to be hard but now they are softening. The back wall is gone & at skin level... the size of the tumor has decreased as well. Progress!!! Yay... I have also been feeling better & sleeping much better." -- a nurse patient in Arizona, USA

To see more stories, with photos, of patients benefiting from this treatment, please visit: Treated Patients

Be Part of this New Era of Cancer Treatment

Contact us today to consult us. We're here to help you get relief from your Squamous CC. Our GEIPE device is best suited to non-surgically treat visible or palpable tumors like oral cancers (tongue, mouth, palate, lip, neck, throat, buccal mucosa), facial cancers (chin, nose, cheek, head, temple) -- in fact, all skin cancers. And while our approach is entirely scientific, it may be called holistic, complementary, natural or alternative.
