What is the Best Treatment for Tumors Under the Skin?

When facing the daunting diagnosis of a tumor beneath the skin, patients and their families are often overwhelmed with questions and concerns. Understanding the various treatment options available is crucial for making informed decisions that align with individual needs and circumstances.

This blog will explore the most effective treatments for subcutaneous tumors, comparing traditional methods with newer, advanced therapies like GEIPE, which is emerging as a promising solution for many patients.

Understanding Tumors Beneath the Skin

Tumors under the skin, also known as subcutaneous tumors, can vary greatly in terms of their nature, size, and severity. Some are benign, posing little threat to overall health, while others can be malignant and require immediate attention.

Common signs include the presence of a lump, changes in the skin texture, or discomfort. But what does a tumor feel like under the skin? Typically, it may present as a firm, immovable mass that can vary in size. However, this can differ depending on the type of tumor and its location.

Can a Tumor Burst Through the Skin?

A rare but serious concern for patients with subcutaneous tumors is the possibility of a tumor bursting through the skin. While this is uncommon, certain aggressive cancers may cause the skin to ulcerate, leading to open sores. Immediate medical intervention is required in such cases.

Traditional Treatment Options

Historically, the treatment of tumors under the skin has involved surgical removal, radiation, and chemotherapy. Each of these methods has its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks:

  1. Surgical Removal: The most common and direct approach is to surgically excise the tumor. This method is generally effective for benign tumors and early-stage cancers. However, surgery may not be viable for all patients, especially if the tumor is located near vital organs or if the patient has other health concerns that complicate anesthesia.
  2. Radiation Therapy: This approach uses high-energy rays to target and kill cancer cells. Radiation is often used in conjunction with surgery, especially when the entire tumor cannot be removed. It is effective but can also damage surrounding healthy tissue and cause side effects like fatigue and skin irritation.
  3. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. It is often employed for more aggressive cancers that have spread beyond the initial site. The downside to chemotherapy is its systemic impact, leading to side effects such as nausea, hair loss, and a weakened immune system.

The Rise of GEIPE Therapy

While traditional methods have been the mainstay of treatment for subcutaneous tumors, newer therapies like GEIPE (Gentle Electrotherapy to Inhibit Pivotal Enzyme) are gaining traction. GEIPE is a non-invasive, innovative treatment that offers a targeted approach to cancer therapy.

How Does GEIPE Work?

GEIPE therapy uses mild electrical currents to disrupt the enzyme activity essential for cancer cell growth. By blocking the pivotal enzyme RnR, GEIPE effectively inhibits tumor growth without the systemic side effects commonly associated with chemotherapy and radiation. This treatment is particularly beneficial for patients who do not wish to or cannot undergo surgery or wish to avoid the harsh side effects of more conventional treatments.

Benefits of GEIPE:

  • Non-invasive: Unlike surgery, GEIPE does not require any incisions, making it an attractive option for those who may not be candidates for surgical intervention.
  • Non-toxic: The gentle nature of the therapy means it is well-tolerated, with no side effects like those of chemotherapy and radiation. The worst that can happen are skin-burns which are painless and go away in a week or two; even this happens only in a minority of patients.
  • Targeted Approach: GEIPE's ability to specifically target cancerous cells without affecting surrounding healthy tissue makes it a safer and more precise treatment option.

Can Cancer Tumors Shrink Without Treatment?

A common question among patients is whether cancer tumors can shrink without treatment. While some benign tumors may reduce in size on their own, malignant tumors typically require intervention to stop their progression. GEIPE therapy, by actively inhibiting the enzyme necessary for tumor growth, can contribute to the shrinking of these tumors in a controlled and effective manner.

Comparing GEIPE to Other Treatments

When comparing GEIPE to traditional treatments, the following factors should be considered:

  • Effectiveness: GEIPE has shown remarkable results, even though very few skin cancer patients have heard about it. Benefits of this therapy are often guaranteed. Please visit the website for details of their offer, and to look at testimonials of treated patients.
  • Side Effects: Traditional treatments often come with a significant burden of side effects. GEIPE, on the other hand, is designed to prevent these, making it a preferred option for those who prioritize quality of life during treatment.
  • Cost: Unlike other treatment options, GEIPE therapy is so low-cost – a few hundred dollars – that no cancer institution around the world wants to offer it. They do not wish to take such a big hit to their revenue stream. This is a big misfortune of cancer patients that most effective treatment for them is not financially viable for cancer care providers.
  • Accessibility: Even though GEIPE therapy is not offered by any cancer clinic, it is available worldwide as a home-remedy. Needed supervision, usually during the first treatment, is provided over a video or radio call. All questions regarding the treatment are answered promptly over emails or SMS. The NonProfit California company offering it is not interested in making money but in spreading the word of this revolutionary treatment so it becomes known to the world at large.

Making the Right Choice for Treatment

Selecting the best treatment for tumors under the skin is a deeply personal decision that should be made with careful consideration of all available options. Factors such as the type and stage of the tumor, overall health, and patient preferences all play a role in determining the most appropriate course of action.

For those exploring alternative therapies, GEIPE represents a cutting-edge approach that combines effectiveness with nary a side effect to speak of.


When it comes to treating subcutaneous tumors, GEIPE is in fact a one-size-fits-all solution. It is vastly superior to traditional methods like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy in every respect, offering new hope for patients seeking effective, non-toxic and inexpensive options.

Learn more about this new skin cancer treatment option here.

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