Squamous Cell Carcinoma: What it is, Who gets it and How to treat it?

Skin cancer that affects the squamous cells of the epidermis is known as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Squamous cells, which resemble flat, scale-like cells, are found on the skin’s surface and in other tissues, such as the lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts. In most cases, SCC manifests as a raised, scaly, crusty, or… Continue reading Squamous Cell Carcinoma: What it is, Who gets it and How to treat it?

Cancer Cure Conspiracy Theories Are True!

An Effective Scientific Cancer Treatment has been Languishing for ~30 years Countless cancer researchers working around the globe for Non-Profit and For-Profit companies would sure like to find an effective treatment, and possibly the cure, for cancer, but not if that treatment or cure is non-patentable and very inexpensive. In such a case, no cancer institution will… Continue reading Cancer Cure Conspiracy Theories Are True!