Outcome - Cancer Electrotherapy Exploration Talks at City of Hope

Dr. C. K. Chou of City of Hope National Medical Center had received a copy of the letter of response from National Cancer Institute and so it was very easy to setup an appointment with him.

My four-hour meeting with Dr. C. K. Chou and his colleague & friend Dr. Yun Yen went extremely well. By great fortune, Dr. Yun Yen, an oncologist who was working with enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RnR), had recently joined the staff of the City of Hope. He concurred with my line of thinking, and had even observed, with Dr. C. K. Chou, that on passing direct electric current concentration of enzyme RnR goes down with concurrent tumor shrinkage. He also agreed with my The Mechanism of Induction of Cancer: A Model, which states that cancer is caused by disturbance at the active site of enzyme RnR.

Dr. C. K. Chou showed me slides of his trips to China where many patients had their tumors treated with direct electric current and got beneficial results to varying degrees. Dr. Chou was employing "high-level" electricity to carry out electrochemotherapy ("Nordenstrom Modality"), while my proposal was to use "low-level" DC electricity to effectuate pure electrotherapy. Equipment and procedure for the two would not be all that different. At the conclusion of our meeting, Dr. Chou said that the City of Hope is always looking for new ideas, new approaches and he should be able to accommodate my project if it does not take several years.

I waited for some formal agreement.

However when Dr. Chou spoke to me next time -- after about 10 days -- he informed me that the management disapproved my project because it won't bring patients. [Probably he meant "moneyed patients".] I called Dr. Yen as well and was told that I was great but City of Hope is not suited to work on the proposed cancer treatment.


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